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Wang Jennifer

Authorised capital

par Wang Jennifer, mardi 13 octobre 2020, 17:53

Authorised Capital : the maximum value of shares that a company can legally issue; authorised share capital


Ramananaherisoa Kanto

Board of directors

par Ramananaherisoa Kanto, lundi 12 octobre 2020, 18:57

Governing body of a company elected by the shareholders and which represents their interests by monitoring management decisions.



Xu Elise


par Xu Elise, lundi 12 octobre 2020, 22:28


Vincent Marie-Pierre


par Vincent Marie-Pierre, mercredi 7 octobre 2020, 23:00

a commercial or industrial organization that aims at making a profit by doing business.

Business enterprise; Firm

Ouaja Nour


par Ouaja Nour, mardi 13 octobre 2020, 18:24

The ownership of 50% of a company's shares that aims to be the main owner by owning a significant proportion of voting shares. 

Jurisdiction; Sway 


Morimoto Yuta


par Morimoto Yuta, lundi 12 octobre 2020, 13:40

traders of securities (shares and bonds) who buy and sell for their own account rather than as agents for someone else’s account.

Security dealers ; retailer


Xu Adeline

Family businesses

par Xu Adeline, mardi 13 octobre 2020, 17:15

Family businesses mind map

Roulot Louise

Full quotation

par Roulot Louise, vendredi 9 octobre 2020, 17:17

Official registration of a company with the stock market enabling it to sell shares directly to the public at large.

 full listing


Pan Laura

Issued Capital

par Pan Laura, lundi 12 octobre 2020, 22:23

Issued capital is the total value of a company’s shares that are actually held by shareholders. 

issued share capital


Razurel Emma

Paid up capital

par Razurel Emma, mardi 13 octobre 2020, 18:40


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