Section 5: Reading material
LSE, , Nov 2015.
Danny Quah, "
", 2014. (Good ideas, but pre-Coroncrisis).
Graham Allison, "The Thucydidies Trap: Are the U.S. and China Headed for War?", The Atlantic, Sept 24, 2015.
Chris Brown, "Susan Strange - a critical appreciation", Review of Internatioanl Studies, July 1999.
David Dollar, "The future of U.S.-China economic ties", Report, Brookings, October 4, 2016.
Francis Fukuyama, "US against the world? Trump's America and the new global order", The Financial Times, November 11, 2016
Ralf Leiteritz, International Political Economy: The state of the art,Colombia Internacional, No 62, Bogota Jan/June 2005 (this reviews well the difference between how IPE evolved differently between the US and Europe, prior to the GFC obviously).
Timothy C. Lim, International Political Economy - An Introduction to Approaches, Regimes and Issues, The Open Textbook Challenge by the Saylor Foundation, 2014. (A massive pdf file you can download with an extensive historical overview of IPE and many things we have looked at throughout these classes.)
John Moolakkattu, "Robert W. Cox and Critical Theory of International Relations", International Studies 46(4): 439-456, October 2009
Dani Rodrik, "Trump : les économistes doivent faire leur mea culpa sur la mondialisation", La Tribune, 18/11/2016.
Michael Veseth, "What is International Political Economy?", September 2002. (Updated version in 2015, here.)
Günter Walzenbach, Global Political Economy, in International Relations, Dec 29, 2016
Christian Chavagneux, Economie politique international, Paris, Repères, La découverte, 2004.
Benjamin Cohen, International Political Economy: An Intellectual History, Princeton University Press, (2008).
" (about 1980), on why Britain is in the European Economic Community.