16 - Lists: i), ii), iii), etc.
Résumé de section
Compared to French, English uses numbers in lists much more.
Within a paragraph. It is possible, for example, to use small roman numerals within a paragraph.
She had a number of things to do before the end of the day: i) finish correcting the exam papers, ii) check through the applications for the Master's course, and iii) reserve a lecture hall for the conference by the visiting professor.
With paragraph cuts for longer lists, eg:
Climate change is caused by the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, including, among others:
1) carbon dioxide gas generated by the burning of fossil fuels;
2) chloroflorocarbons or CFCs which used to be used in fire-fighting equipment and refrigeration appliances;
3) methane which is found naturally in the Earth's surface as well as being produced by flora and fauna.
Note too that an incomplete list of items may be indicated using "etc." You CANNOT use "..." in English as in French. "..." may only be used in quotes, indicating that you have left out part of a quotation.